Vlastimil Křivan: List of publications

Počet nalezených prací: 114


[1] Křivan, V. (2025) Patch retention times for the Ideal Free Distribution. Dynamic Games and Applications xxx
Support: 955708 (Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: doi.org/10.1007/s13235-025-00628-4


[2] Křivan, V., Cressman, R. (2024) The Ideal Free Distribution with travel costs. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 579, 111717
Support: 955708 (European Union Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2023.111717

[3] Marcou, T., Revilla, T. A., Křivan, V. (2024) Evolutionary emergence of plant and pollinator polymorphisms in consumer-resource mutualisms. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 594:111911
Support: MSCA-955708
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2024.111911


[4] Galanthay, T. E.,Křivan, V., Cressman, R., Revilla, T. A. (2023) Evolution of aggression in consumer-resource models. Dynamic Games and Applications 13:1049-1065
Support: EU 955708 (Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13235-023-00496-w


[5] Cressman, R, Křivan, V. (2022) Using chemical reaction network theory to show stability of distributional dynamics in game theory. Journal of Dynamics and Games 9:351-371
Support: EU 955708 (Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.3934/jdg.2021030

[6] Darwell, C.T., Souto-Vilaros, D., Michalek, J., Boutsi, S., Isua, B., Sisol, M., Kuyaia, T., Weiblen, G., Křivan, V., Novotny, V., Segar, S.T. (2022) Predicting distributions of Wolbachia strains through host ecological contact -- who's manipulating whom?. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8826
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8826

[7] Křivan, V., Cressman, R. (2022) The asymmetric Hawk-Dove game with costs measured as time lost. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 547:111162
Support: 955708 (EU Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2022.111162

[8] Revilla, T., Křivan, V. (2022) Prey–predator dynamics with adaptive protection mutualism. Applied Mathematics and Computation 433:127368
Support: 955708 (Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2022.127368


[9] Revilla, T., Marcou, T., Krivan, V. (2021) Plant competition under simultaneous adaptation by herbivores and pollinators. Ecological Modelling 455:109634
Support: EU 955708 (Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109634


[10] Broom, M., Křivan, V. (2020) Two-strategy games with time constraints on regular graphs. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 506:110426
Support: 690817 (EU Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110426

[11] Cressman, R., Křivan, V. (2020) Reducing courtship time promotes marital bliss: The Battle of the Sexes game revisited with costs measured as time lost. Journal of Theoretical Biology 503:110382
Support: MSC 690817 (EU Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110382

[12] Křivan, V., Cressman, R. (2020) Defectors’ intolerance of others promotes cooperation in the repeated public goods game with opting out. Scientific Reports 10:19511
Support: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 grant agreement No 690817.
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76506-3

[13] Mazepa, S., Dostálek, L., Křivan, V., Banakh, S. (2020) Cybercrime in Ukraine and the Cyber Security Game. Pages 787-790 in 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Deggendorf, Germany, 2020
doi number: doi: 10.1109/ACIT49673.2020.9208942

[14] Schreiber, S. J., Krivan, V. (2020) Holt (1977) and apparent competition. Theoretical Population Biology 133:17-18
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tpb.2019.09.006


[15] Broom, M., Cressman, R., Krivan, V. (2019) Revisiting the “fallacy of averages” in ecology: Expected gain per unit time equals expected gain divided by expected time. Journal of Theoretical Biology 483:109993
Support: No 690817 (EU Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2019.109993

[16] Cressman, R., Krivan, V. (2019) Bimatrix games that include interaction times alter the evolutionary outcome: The owner-intruder game. Journal of Theoretical Biology 460:262-273
Support: MSC 690817 (EU Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.10.033

[17] Krivan, V., Revilla, T. (2019) Plant coexistence mediated by adaptive foraging preferences of exploiters or mutualists. Journal of Theoretical Biology 480:112-128
Support: 690817 (EU Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2019.08.003


[18] Akimenko, V., Krivan, V. (2018) Asymptotic stability of delayed consumer age-structured population models with an Allee effect. Mathematical Biosciences 306:170-179
doi number: 10.1016/j.mbs.2018.10.001

[19] Broom, M., Krivan, V. (2018) Biology and evolutionary games. Pages 1039-1077 in T. Basar, G. Zaccour (eds.), Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory. Springer International Publishing AG
Support: 690817 (Horizon 2020), 60077344 (RVO)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1007/978-3-319-27335-8_31-1

[20] Krivan, V., Galanthy, T. E., Cressman, R. (2018) Beyond replicator dynamics: From frequency to density dependent models of evolutionary games. Journal of theoretical biology 455:232-248
Support: RVO:60077344 (Institute of Entomology), 690817 (EU Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.07.003

[21] Revilla, T., Krivan, V. (2018) Competition, trat-mediated facilitation, and the structure of plant-pollinator communities. Journal of theoretical biology 440:42-57
Support: RVO:60077344 (Institute of Entomology), 690817 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2017.12.019


[22] Krivan, V. (2017) Kdyz se matematika potka s biologii: Matematicka ekologie (When mathematics meets biology: Mathematical ecology). PMFA 62:185-201
Support: AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant No 690817
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[23] Krivan, V., Cressman, R. (2017) Interaction times change evolutionary outcomes: Two-player matrix games. Journal of theoretical biology, 416:199–207
Support: RVO:60077344 (Institute of Entomology), 690817 (Horizon 2020)
Link to this work
doi number: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2017.01.010


[24] Krivan, V., Lewis, M., Bentz, B., Bewick, S., Lenhart, S., Liebhold, A. (2016) A dynamical model for bark beetle outbreaks. Journal of Theoretical Biology 407:25-37
Support: EF-0832858 (NIMBIOS),RVO:60077344 (Institute of Entomology)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.07.009

[25] Mariani, P., Krivan, V., MacKenzie, B. R., Mullon, C. (2016) The migration game in habitat network: the case of tuna. Theoretical Ecology 9:219-232
Support: RVO:60077344 (Institute of Entomology), DMS0931642(NSF)
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[26] Revilla, T. A., Krivan, V. (2016) Pollinator foraging flexibility and the coexistence of competing plants. Plos One 11: e0160076
Support: RVO:60077344 (Institute of Entomology), RISE 690817
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160076


[27] Broom, M., Krivan V., Riedel F. (2015) Dynamic Games and Applications: Second Special Issue on Population Games: Introduction. Dynamic Games and Applications 5:155-156
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1007/s13235-015-0153-3

[28] Krivan V., Berec L. (2015) Matematika ve službách biologie. Scientific American, Czech edition 2015(2):17

[29] Krivan V., Jana D. (2015) Effects of animal dispersal on harvesting with protected areas. Journal of Theoretical Biology 364:131-138
Support: DMS 0931642 (NSF), RVO:60077344 (Institute of Entomology), CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0032 (Postdok-BIOGLOBE)
Link to this work
doi number: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.09.010

[30] Krivan, V. (2015) Population games. Biomath Communications 2:14-19
Support: RVO:6007734 (Institute of Entomology), Biglobe
Link to this work
doi number: https://biomath.math.bas.bg/biomath/index.php/conference/article/view/416

[31] Krivan, V., Pryiadarshi, A. (2015) L-shaped prey isocline in the Gause predator-prey experiments with a prey refuge. Journal of theoretical biology 370:21-26
Support: RVO:60077344, BIOGLOBE (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0032), NSF EF-0832858
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[32] Melian, C. J., Krivan, V., Altermatt, F., Stary, P. , Pellissier, L., De Laender, F. (2015) Dispersal Dynamics in Food Webs. American Naturalist 185:157-168
Support: RVO60077344 (Institute of Entomology). NSF DEB-0553768 (NCEAS)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1086/679505

[33] Vrkoc, I., Krivan, V. (2015) Asymptotic stability of tri-trophic food chains sharing a common resource. Mathematical Biosciences, 270:90-94
Support: RVO:60077344 (Institute of Entomology), NSF DMS 0931642 (MBI)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.mbs.2015.10.005


[34] Broom, M., Krivan, V., Riedel, F. (2014) Dynamic Games and Applications: Introduction to the special issue on population games. Dynamic Games and Application

[35] Cressman, R., Krivan, V., Garay, J., Brown, J. (2014) Game-theoretic methods for functional response and optimal foraging behavior. PLoS ONE 9(2): e88773.
Support: RVO:60077344
Link to this work
doi number: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088773

[36] Krivan, V. (2014) Competition in di- and tri-trophic food web modules. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 343,127-137
Support: DMS 0931642(NSF),EF-0832858(NSF),AV0Z50070508, RVO60077344 (Institute of Entomology)
Link to this work
doi number: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.11.020

[37] Krivan, V. (2014) The Allee-type Ideal Free Distribution. Journal of Mathematical Biology 69:1497-1513
Support: RVO:60077344
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1007/s00285-013-0742-y

[38] Xu, Fei, Cressman, R., Krivan, V. (2014) Evolution of mobility in predator-prey systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B (DCDS-B)19:3397-3432
Support: RVO:60077344
Link to this work
doi number: 10.3934/dcdsb.2014.19.3397


[39] Cressman, R., Krivan, V. (2013) Two-patch population models with adaptive dispersal: The effects of varying dispersal speeds. Journal of Mathematical Biology 67:329-358
Support: DMS0931642 (MBI),EF-0832858(NIMBioS),AV0Z50070508 (AV),RVO 60077344(AV)
Link to this work
doi number: DOI 10.1007/s00285-012-0548-3

[40] Krivan, V. (2013) Behavioral refuges and predator-prey coexistence. Journal of Theoretical Biology 339:112-121
Support: DMS 0931642(NSF),EF-0832858(NIMBioS),AV0Z50070508, RVO60077344 (Institute of Entomology)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.12.016

[41] Krivan, V., Zaccour, G. (2013) Preface. Pages v-vii in V. Krivan and G. Zaccour, eds. Advances in Dynamic Games - Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods. Birkhauser
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[42] Krivan, V. (2011) On the Gause predator-prey model with a refuge: A fresh look at the history. Journal of Theoretical Biology 274:67-73
Support: AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), EF-0832858 (NIMBioS)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.01.016


[43] Berec, L., Eisner, J., Krivan, V. (2010) Adaptive foraging does not always lead to more complex food webs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 266:211-218
Support: Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), IAA100070601 (GAAVCR)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.06.034

[44] Cressman, R., Krivan, V. (2010) The Ideal Free Distribution as an Evolutionarily Stable State in Density-Dependent Population Games. Oikos, 119:1231-1242
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR),AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17845.x

[45] Krivan, V. (2010) Evolutionary stability of optimal foraging: partial preferences in the diet and patch models. Journal of theoretical Biology 267:486-494
Support: AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), NSF #EF-0832858 371 (NIMBioS)
Link to this work


[46] Krivan, V. (2009) Evolutionary games and population dynamics. Proceedings of Seminar in Differential Equations, Kamenice nad Lipou, Volume II, ed. P. Drabek. Vydavatelsky servis, Plzen. ISBN 978-80-86843-25-4
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR)

[47] Krivan, V., Cressman, R., (2009) On evolutionary stability in prey-predator models with fast behavioral dynamics. Evolutionary Ecology Research 11:227-251
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR),AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), NCEAS
Link to this work

[48] Melian, C. J., Bascompte, J., Jordano, P., Krivan, V. (2009) Diversity in a complex ecological network with two interaction types. Oikos 118:122-130
Support: A100070601, NCEAS
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[49] Boukal, D. S., Berec, L., Krivan, V. (2008) Does sex-selective predation stabilize or destabilize predator-prey dynamics?. PloS ONE 3(7): e2687
Support: KJB600070602 (GAAVCR), IAA100070601 (GAAVCR), Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002687

[50] Krivan, V. (2008) Prey-predator models. Pages 2929-2940 in S. E. Jørgensen and B. D. Fath, eds. Population Dynamics. Vol. 4 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. Elsevier, Oxford. Reprinted in Elsevier Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2012.
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[51] Krivan, V. (2008) Dispersal dynamics: Distribution of lady beetles.. European Journal of Entomology 105:405-409
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR), AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology)
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[52] Krivan, V., Cressman, R., Schneider, C. (2008) The Ideal Free Distribution: A review and synthesis of the game theoretic perspective. Theoretical Population Biology 73:403-425 THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY TOP CITED ARTICLE 2008-2010
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR), AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), MSM6007665801 (MSMT)
Link to this work
doi number: doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2007.12.009


[53] Abrams, P., Cressman, R., Krivan, V. (2007) The role of behavioral dynamics in determining the patch distributions of interacting species. American Naturalist 169:505-518
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR)
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[54] Krivan, V. (2007) The Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with foraging-predation risk trade-offs. American Naturalist 170: 771-782
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR), AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology)
Link to this work

[55] Krivan, V., Vrkoc, I. (2007) A Lyapunov function for piecewise-independent differential equations: stability of the ideal free distribution in two patch environments. Journal of Mathematical Biology 54:465-488
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR), AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), MSM6007665801 (MSMT)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1007/s00285-006-0053-7

[56] Skaloudova, B., Zemek, R., Krivan, V. (2007) The effect of predation risk on an acarine system. Animal Behaviour 74: 813-821
Support: IAA60073039 (AVCR), IAA100070601, MSM6007665801 (MSMT), Z50070508 (AVCR)
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[57] Berec, M., Krivan, V., Berec, L. (2006) Asymmetric competition, body size and foraging tactics: testing the ideal free distribution in two competing species. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8:929-942
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR), AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), MSM6007665801 (MSMT)
Link to this work

[58] Cressman, R., Krivan, V. (2006) Migration dynamics for the Ideal Free Distribution. American Naturalist 168:384-397
Support: DEB0072909 (NCEAS), IAA100070601 (GAAVCR), Z50070508 (AVCR)
Link to this work

[59] Krivan, V. (2006) The Ideal Free Distribution and bacterial growth on two substrates. Theoretical Population Biology 69:181-191
Support: DEB-0072909 (NCEAS), 201/03/0091 (GACR)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.tpb.2005.07.006

[60] Krivan, V., Eisner, J. (2006) The effect of the Holling type II functional response on apparent competition. Theoretical Population Biology 70:421-430, doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2006.07.004
Support: IAA100070601 (GAAVCR), AV0Z50070508 (Institute of Entomology), DEB-0072909(NCEAS)
Link to this work

[61] Skaloudova, B., Krivan, V., Zemek, R. (2006) Computer-assisted estimation of leaf damage caused by spider mites. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 53:81-91
Support: A6007303 (AVCR), MSM6007665801 (MSMT), 522/02/1490 (GACR)
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[62] Krivan, V., Diehl, S. (2005) Adaptive omnivory and species coexistence in tri-trophic food webs. Theoretical Population Biology 67:85-99
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.tpb.2004.09.003


[63] Cressman, R., Krivan, V., Garay, J. (2004) Ideal free distributions, evolutionary games and population dynamics in multiple species environments. The American Naturalist, 164(4):473-489
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR),Z5007907 (AVCR), K6005114(AVCR)
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[64] Krivan, V. and Schmitz, O.J. (2004) Trait and density mediated indirect interactions in simple food webs. Oikos, 107:239-250
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
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[65] Krivan, V., Sirot, E. (2004) Do short-term behavioral responses of consumers in tri-trophic food chains persist at the population time scale?. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 6:1063-1081
Support: Collaborative Linkage Grant 979213 (NATO), 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907, K6005114 (AVCR)
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[66] Krivan, V., Vrkoc, I. (2004) Should handled prey be considered? Some consequences for functional response, predator-prey dynamics and optimal foraging theory. Journal of theoretical Biology, 227:167-174.
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2003.10.013

[67] Schmitz, O. J., Krivan, V., Ovadia, O. (2004) Trophic cascades: the primacy of trait-mediated indirect interactions. Ecology Letters, 7:153-163
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2003.00560.x


[68] Berec, M., Krivan, V., Berec, L. (2003) Are great tits (Parus major) really optimal foragers?. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:780-788
Support: MSM123100004 (MSMT), Z5007907 (AVCR)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1139/Z03-057

[69] Bolker, B., Holyoak, M., Krivan, V., Rowe, L., Schmitz, O. (2003) Connecting theoretical and empirical studies of trait-mediated interactions. Ecology 84:1101-1114
Support: NCEAS, Z5007907 (AVCR)
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[70] Colombo, G., Dai Pra, P., Krivan, V., Vrkoc, I. (2003) Stochastic processes for bounded noise. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 16:95-119.
Support: ERB-CIPA-CT-93-1554 (EU), ERB-CIPA-CT-92-0370 (EU), 201/98/0227 (GACR), VS96086 (MSMT)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1007/s00498-003-0131-y

[71] Krivan, V. (2003) Ideal Free Distributions when resources undergo population dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology 64:25-38.
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/S0040-5809(03)00065-0

[72] Krivan, V. (2003) Competitive coexistence caused by adaptive predators. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 5:1163-1182.
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
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[73] Krivan, V., Eisner, J. (2003) Optimal foraging and predator-prey dynamics III. Theoretical Population Biology 63:269-279.
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1016/S0040-5809(03)00012-1

[74] Krivan, V., Schmitz, O. J. (2003) Adaptive foraging and flexible food web topology. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5:623-652
Support: 201/03/0091 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
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[75] Rospars, J-P., Lansky, P., Krivan, V. (2003) Extracellular transduction events under pulsed stimulation in moth olfactory sensilla. Chemical Senses 28:509-522.
Support: 972SL (Barrande),MSM123100004 (MSMT), Z5007907 (AVCR)
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[76] Krivan, V., Lansky, P., Rospars, J-P. (2002) Coding of periodic pulse stimulations in chemoreceptors. BioSystems 67:121-128
Support: 972SL (Barrande), LST CLG976786 (NATO), 309/02/0168 (GACR), Z5007907 (AVCR), MSM12300004 (MSMT)
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[77] Krivan, V., Sirot, E. (2002) Habitat selection by two competing species in a two-habitat environment. American Naturalist 160:214-234
Support: Z5007907 (AVCR), K6005114 (AVCR), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
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[78] Lansky, P., Krivan, V., Rospars, J.-P. (2001) Ligand-receptor interaction under periodic stimulation: a modeling study of concentration chemoreceptors. European Biophysics Journal 30:110-120
Support: A7011712 (GAAVCR), 201/98/0227 (GACR), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
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[79] van Baalen, M., Krivan, V., van Rijn, P.C.J., Sabelis, M. (2001) Alternative food, switching predators, and the persistence of predator-prey systems. American Naturalist 157:512-524
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[80] Berec, L., Krivan, V. (2000) A mechanistic model for partial preferences. Theoretical Population Biology 58:279-289
Support: 201/98/P202 (GACR), VS96086 (MSMT)
Link to this work
doi number: 10.1006/tpbi.2000.1491

[81] Krivan, V. (2000) Optimal intraguild foraging and population stability. Theoretical Population Biology 58:79-94
Support: 201/98/0227 (GACR), VS96086 (MSMT), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
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[82] Krivan, V., Havelka, J. (2000) Leslie model for predatory gall-midge population. Ecological Modelling 126:73-77
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[83] Krivan, V., Vrkoc, I. (2000) Patch choice under predation hazard. Theoretical Population Biology 58:329-340
Support: 201/98/0227 (GACR), VS96086 (MSMT), MSM123100004 (MSMT)
Link to this work

[84] Krivan, V., Vrko, I. (2000) Equilibrium stability analysis of negative feedback loops in simple gene regulatory networks. Mimeo.

[85] Rospars, J-P., Krivan, V., Lansky, P. (2000) Perireceptor and receptor events in olfaction. Comparison of concentration and flux detectors: a modeling study. Chemical Senses 25:293-311
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[86] Boukal, D., Krivan, V. (1999) Lyapunov functions for Lotka-Volterra predator-prey models with optimal foraging behavior. Journal of Mathematical Biology 39:493-517
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[87] Krivan, V., Sikder, A. (1999) Optimal foraging and predator-prey dynamics II. Theoretical Population Biology 55:111-126
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[88] Krivan, V. (1998) Effects of optimal antipredator behavior of prey on predator-prey dynamics: role of refuges. Theoretical Population Biology 53:131-142
Support: 201/98/0227 (GACR), VS96086(MSMT), DEB-94-21535 (NSF)
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[89] Krivan, V., Colombo, G. (1998) A non-stochastic approach for modelling uncertainty in population dynamics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 60:721-751
Support: 107101 (AVCR), 201/98/0227 (GACR), ERB-93-1554 (EU)
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[90] Krivan, V. (1997) Dynamic ideal free distribution: effects of optimal patch choice on predator-prey dynamics. American Naturalist 149:164-178
Support: 107101 (AVCR)
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[91] Krivan, V. (1997) Dynamical consequences of host-feeding on parasitoid-host dynamics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 59:809-831
Support: VS96086
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[92] Krivan, V., Sirot, E. (1997) Searching for food or hosts: the influence of parasitoids behavior on parasitoid-host dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology 51:201-209
Support: 107101 (AV CR)
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[93] Sirot, E., Krivan, V. (1997) Adaptive superparasitsm and host-parasitoid dynamics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 59:23-42
Support: 107101 (AVCR),VS96086(MSMT)
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[94] Krivan, V. (1996) Optimal foraging and predator-prey dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology 49:265-290
Support: 107101 (AVCR)
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[95] Kastner-Maresch, A., Krivan, V. (1995) Modelling food preferences and viability constraints. Journal of Biological Systems 3:313-322
Support: 18002 (AVCR), 107101 (AVCR)
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[96] Krivan, V. (1995) Differential inclusions as a methodology tool in population biology. Pages 544-547 in M. Snorek, M. Sujansky, A. Verbraeck, eds. Proceedings of the 9th European Simulation Multiconference, The Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, CA
Support: 107101 (AVCR)
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[97] Krivan, V. (1995) Individual behavior and population dynamics. Pages 17-31 in M. Candev, ed. Lecture notes on biomathematics and bioinformatics'95. DATECS Publ., Sofia.
Support: 107101 (AVCR)
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[98] Colombo, G., Krivan, V. (1994) Robustness of viability controllers under small perturbations. Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications 83:207-215
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[99] Antonelli, P., Bradbury, R., Krivan, V., Shimada, H. (1993) A dynamical theory of heterochrony: time-sequencing changes in ecology, development and evolution. Journal of Biological Systems 1:451-487
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[100] Antonelli, P., Krivan, V. (1993) Large amplitude periodic fluctuations in starfish-coral dynamics. Ecological Modelling 67:251-257
Support: 18002 (AVCR), A7667 (NSERC)
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[101] Colombo, G., Krivan, V. (1993) A viability algorithm. Journal of Differential Equations 102:236-243

[102] Colombo, R., Krivan, V. (1993) Selective strategies in food webs. IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology 10:281-291
Support: 18002 (AVCR), 107101 (AVCR)
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[103] Krivan, V. (1993) Projection of differential inclusions. Pages 119-130 in A. Kurzhanski, V. Veliov, eds. Set-Valued Analysis and Differential Inclusions. Birkhauser, Boston
Support: 18002 (AVCR)
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[104] Antonelli, P., Krivan, V. (1992) Fuzzy differential inclusions as substitutes for stochastic differential equations in population biology. Open Systems and Information Dynamics in Physical and Life Sciences 1:217-232
Support: A7667 (NSERC), 18002 (AVCR)
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[105] Colombo, G., Krivan, V. (1992) Fuzzy differential inclusions and nonprobabilistic likelihood. Dynamic Systems and Applications 1:419-440
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[106] Krivan, V., Vrkoc, I. (1992) Continuous and Lipschitzian selections from measurable set valued map. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 166:582-590
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[107] Krivan, V. (1991) Construction of population growth equations in the presence of viability constraints. Journal of Mathematical Biology 29:379-387
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[108] Krivan, V. (1991) Perturbation of viability problem. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 155:131-139
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[109] Krivan, V. (1991) On the intersection of contingent cones. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 10:395-402
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[110] Křivan, V. (1990) Construction of population growth equations in the presence of viability constraints. Contribution SMR.478-34 in Lecture Notes of Third Autumn Course on Mathematical Ecology. International Atomic Energy Agency, UNESCO, ICTP, Trieste
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[111] Krivan, V. (1990) What is viability theory (In Czech). Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 35:113-120
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[112] Krivan, V., Vrkoc, I. (1990) Absolutely continuous selections from absolutely continuous set valued map. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 40:503-513
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[113] Krivan, V., Seda, J. (1989) Application of guaranteed regression model to trophic interaction in aquatic systems. Ecological Modelling 49:1-6
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[114] Krivan, V., Lhotka, L. (1988) Matematické modely v ekologii (Dynamic models in ecology). Vesmír 67:208-211
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