Research topics
Sexually transmitted diseases are not just a matter of humans, but at a much larger scale also a matter of animals. By definition, pathogens responsible for these diseases are transmitted through the sexual intercourse,...
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Evolutionary game theory is mathematical expression of Darwin’s theory. This theory explained e.g., evolution of aggressivity (Hawk-Dove game), evolution of cooperation (Prisoner’s dilemma). These models, as many others, are described by a payoff matrix....
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Allee efekt (česky též Alleeho jev), nese jméno amerického behaviorálního ekologa Wardera C. Alleeho. Tento jev nastává, pokud (průměrná) zdatnost jedince v populaci roste s velikostí či hustotou této populace. Jedná se tedy o...
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Individual projects
In Krivan (2006) bacterial growth on a mixture of two sugars is modeled. It is well know that in mixed substrates with glucose and lactose bacteria often utilize glucose first and then switch to...
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The Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model is one of the earliest and, perhaps, the best known example used to explain why predators can indefinitely coexist with their prey. The population cycles resulting from this model are...
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The habitat selection game is a game theoretical concept that describes species distribution in22 heterogeneous environments. For a single population, Fretwell and Lucas (1970) defined the Ideal Free Distribution (IFD) in patchy environments, under...
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Classic models of infection dynamics describe host reproduction independently of infection transmission. This is fine for air-borne or vector-borne infections, and also for sexually transmitted diseases in humans, where only a negligible proportion of...
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Harmful effects of parasitism include reduction of host reproductive abilities and increased host mortality. Whereas the former effect is commonly caused by sexually transmitted infections, increased mortality is typically due to other infection types....
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Allee efekt nastává, klesá-li s klesající velikostí či hustotou populace zdatnost jedinců. S každým Allee efektem je tedy spojen určitý dědičný znak ovlivňující zdatnost a tedy podléhající přirozenému výběru. U Allee efektu, který vzniká...
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Classic matrix models of evolutionary game theory assume that all interactions between strategies/phenotypes take the same amount of time. Here we are developing a new methodology to study models where interaction times depend on...
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Allee efekt díky páření je nejpozorovanějším typem Allee efektu, jak se můžeme přesvědčit v tomto článku. Vzniká díky snížené schopnosti jedinců nalézt si partnera v populacích s nižší hustotou, což například v případě rostlin...
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